Breast Cancer Awareness

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we at ReThink have decided to blog on the subject and the many ways CBD can help those who are or have experienced breast cancer and the loved ones who have been impacted by it.

Breast Cancer is the formation of malignant cells in the breast tissue. 1 in 8 women in the US alone will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Although breast cancer is most common in women, men can also be diagnosed with it as well. It is the most common form of cancer in women globally. Breast cancer is highly hereditary, but lifestyle factors also play a role including an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, hormone therapy, smoking, consuming alcohol, and others. Having risk factors though, like a genetic mutation, doesn’t necessarily mean that an individual will get breast cancer. Out of all of the breast cancer patients, only 30-40% of them had actual known risk factors, whereas the other 60-70% did not.

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Everyone who is diagnosed with breast cancer has different experiences because there are different stages. Some women have early detection and diagnosis while others find out in later stages. There are stages 0, 1, 2 and 2A, 3A, B, and C, and 4. Nonetheless, all are extremely difficult in their own way. Early detection is crucial and something that requires more awareness. The American Cancer Society states that if early detection does occur, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%. In order to have early detection, it is crucial to do breast self-exams, scheduling breast exams and yearly mammograms. Without early detection, it is difficult to realize one has breast cancer. Symptoms can be completely absent, but if there are any, look out for abnormal pain, physical changes to the breast/nipple, lumps that weren’t always there, and unusual discharge.

We wholly understand the impact that breast cancer can have on patients and their loved ones. This is why we are here to help. Breast cancer takes a serious toll on the body, mind, and spirit. While it is truly difficult, we wish you nothing more than to stay positive and hopeful because wellbeing is your birth right.

If you have breast cancer and are dealing with serious pain due to radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, or anything else, speak to your physician about consuming CBD. A strong and potent tincture like our 1000 to 3000mg range could be very effective at diminishing pain and inflammation. While breast cancer takes a physical toll, it also takes an impactful mental toll. CBD may also help with mental issues. It may enhance mood and uplift the spirits. It may also be effective at reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality. We know that medications can come alongside side effects that induce insomnia, changes in appetite, mental changes, and more which is why CBD may be a good option for you.

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As for the loved ones impacted by breast cancer, CBD could be a great mental support. We recommend the 250 to 1000mg range. Taking it every day could help support and uplift you, so not only could you feel better, but by you feeling better, you could offer more consolation to those impacted around you.

For all of you breast cancer survivors and warriors, we are blessed that you are here with us. For those who are still in battle, we support you! Loved ones: stay positive and strong. The ReThink family wishes you nothing but the best.

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