CBD ReThink’s Guide to A Successful Year

We hope you had a great start to the new year! If not, we would like to offer you some suggestions on how we can step into the new year looking towards the eternal horizons of evolution.

It is always good to have some time to reset and rest. To start off the new year, we thought we’d pop by and discuss some common things we, as human beings, are all thinking of. One of the main things we all have in common is goal setting. This is a common driver for all of us and it allows us to track our development.

When we think of goal setting, it is easy to get discouraged. We often associate changing our habits or trying new ones with the inability to have met those goals by a certain time frame. The goal when creating a new practice is to be able to promote the habit setting in a way that is useful, easy, desirable, and practical. A well written book that goes more into the importance of habits would be ‘Atomic Habits’ written by James Clear.

Rethink Guide Successfull Year 1
Rethink Guide Successfull Year 2

1) Make time to reflect

It is important to take time to yourself, simply taking 15 – 30 minutes to yourself to sit and reflect on this past year.

A few questions you may want to ask yourself: What did I enjoy most of last year? What am I grateful for? What could I have done differently that would have impacted my year? What can I learn from the past year? The key is to get you thinking about certain areas of your life where you’d like to learn and grow from.

2) Habits Are Not About the Outcome, But the Identity You Associate with Them

It is said that if we focus on specific outcome from a goal, we are less likely to retain the habit. It really is never about the outcome but the personality, and identity you associate with that desired outcome of the habit. For example, if you wish to be more physically active, you’re likely looking to enhance your intrinsic motivation. An individual who is intrinsically motivated is more like to prioritize their health and take initiative to get there. By focusing on the person you want to become instead of nitpicking small actions, you’re able to constantly look at the big picture and stay encouraged. Look at what you’d like to improve and ask yourself, ‘what kind of

Rethink Guide Successfull Year 3
Rethink Guide Successfull Year 4

3) Practicing Not Planning

Often times, we all plan things instead of taking action. We do this to avoid failure and making mistakes. We feel that by planning we are getting things rolling, but really, we aren’t making any progress. For example, we could be meal planning and deciding when in the week we are going to work out, but the more time we spend doing planning and deciding, instead of actually doing it, the more we delay our own progress. You are allowed to make mistakes. It takes will power to act while being aware of the potential mistakes that can arise. Motion happens when we take the first step. So, take the first step!

We are always here to support you. For this new and upcoming year, the ReThink family wishes you overflowing inner peace, health, alignment, harmony, and joy!

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