CBD – The Endocannabinoid System Series Part 2

Get ready because it’s time to get into the scientific workings of CBD! We are taking this journey together, so don’t worry if you don’t get it all at once. This is the endocannabinoid series meant to help you feel empowered on the scientific background of CBD.

As discussed in the last blog of the ECS series, the body has various receptors to support the ECS. These receptors are like landing docks for cannabinoids to go to. These receptors are called CB1 and CB2. Overall, the receptors are known as GPCR receptors which aid cells in picking up information. They are found on cell surfaces and are heavily abundant throughout the body. The reason they’re on the cellular surface is because of their said function. Being on the surface allows these receptors to pick up on signals from outside of the cell (i.e., signals from other organs or organ systems). The whole point of this system is to pick up on organ function and interact with endocannabinoids to then modify organ function if needed.

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The ECS produces its own endocannabinoids called anandamide and 2-AG. These are made up of fats. The CB1 and 2 receptors interact with our endocannabinoids. As they interact, the fats are broken down by enzymes known as FAAH and MAGL. Each degrades a specific endocannabinoid. FAAH degrades anandamide while MAGL degrades 2-AG. The degradation process that occurs when the cellular enzymes come into contact with the endocannabinoids is extremely quick. This means that the cannabinoids produced are rapidly disappearing from the body which can cause an overall decrease in endocannabinoids. In order to maintain optimal organ function and overall health, having an adequate level of endocannabinoids helps internal balance.

This is where CBD and other lifestyle factors come in. We should be using external factors to replenish the cannabinoids in our bodies. While hemp is the most abundant source of cannabinoids, we are able to eat a cannabinoid rich diet consisting of hemp seeds/oil, flax/chia seeds, walnuts, cinnamon, broccoli, kale, sprouts, and much more! In order to replenish the body adequately, we’d need a large volume of cannabinoid rich foods. In this case, of course it is better to consume CBD which is the most potent and you would only require a small amount on a daily basis. This doesn’t mean that you should only be taking CBD. The body requires all sorts of phytocannabinoids from the hemp plant. That’s why it’s crucial to not only take CBD, but also CBN, CBG, and others. The best way to do this is by using broad spectrum products which have a wide array of phytocannabinoids. We even have products that combine CBG, CBN, and CBD.

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For now, this concludes part 2 of the ECS series. Take your time trying to understand how it all works and we will see you here next time with part 3. As always, do not hesitate to ask any questions should they arise!

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