Celebrating Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up soon and we’d like to extend our gratitude and celebrate the mothers of the world. If you’re a mother, keep reading for some tips. If you aren’t but want to treat any moms you may know, stay tuned for our Mother’s Day promo code! Your work and dedication to raise the citizens of the world is impressive and extraordinary. It does not go unnoticed! We at ReThink understand the dedication and patience it takes to be a mother as our team consists of many fellow mothers. We created one of our main core brand values with you in mind: you deserve to create more memories for yourself and loved ones. Health comes from within and in order for you to be able to create those memories, health is key. While a lot of it comes down to you, there are ways to support yourself especially throughout the motherhood journey. Our products were built with you in mind. You deserve to feel good and have someone or something else support you too. After all, an empty cup cannot fill other’s cups. Fill yours first to then fill those of others!


For this special day, we have curated a list of mom essentials with a small explanation on how to incorporate them into your routine.

1. CBD oil tinctures

If you want the full scope of benefits, try out our CBD oil tinctures. They come in the strongest CBD concentrations within our product range and are absorbed into the bloodstream the quickest. These are for the moms that struggle with anxiety, depression, or chronic conditions. It is an easy add to your morning. First thing in the morning, grab your CBD ReThink tincture, shake it up, squeeze the dropper, and drop a full dropper under your tongue. Hold it for 30 seconds and swallow. Consistency is key with this one, so to get the most benefits take it every day for at least a month to really feel the effects.

Pro-tip: If you take it alongside your coffee, you’ll decrease the negative side effects that usually come alongside a cup of joe (i.e., jitters, anxiety, etc).

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2. Energy shots & gummies

Our energy inducing products are infused with B12, caffeine, L-arginine, L-carnitine, and CBD. Our formulations ensure that your body reacts differently to the ingredients than the way it does to coffee. Coffee can sometimes induce hyperactivity, anxiety, and an afternoon crash. On the other hand, these products help support a steady incline of energy without the crash and jitters. You can choose to take 1-2 energy gummies in the morning or whenever you feel like you need a boost. Our shots are strong, and the effects are felt quickly, so if you’re the type of person to run into busy situations, always carry one in your bag!

3. CBD Topicals

We all handle stress differently. Some of us hold stress and tension in certain areas of the body. Can you relate to that achy morning feeling in the neck and shoulders? Prevent that by using our roll-ons right before bed. You don’t have to get your hands dirty or sticky and you can sleep with a soothing sensation. Relaxing the muscles before bed will help you rise better in the morning. And, if you’re still feeling a bit stiff after waking up, apply a little more. Since our topicals are not too big, you can take them with you on the go. Apply some if you feel like staring at a desk has given you some neck tightness as well!

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4. Skincare

Everyone needs self-care! Making time for ourselves helps keep our cups full and nourished. One of the nicest things you can do for yourself is have allocated time on a daily basis where you can take care of you! A great way to start incorporating self-care into your day is a skincare routine. Once you’ve put the kids to bed, you can take some time to head to the bathroom, cleanse the day away, and support the skin. Our moisturizers and serum help plump and smooth the skin while adding nourishing ingredients and hydration. Maybe even give yourself a little facial massage while applying our CBD facial oils! They are excellent at sealing your moisturizer, keeping your skin softer and hydrated for longer.

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