Today is a day to celebrate the place that fills oxygen in our lungs, keeps us warm and hydrated, and gives us a place to call home! Everything that we are able to do is because we are comfortable on this planet that is perfect for us in so many ways. It is constantly giving to us, so why not make some lifestyle changes that will help give back to the Earth? We at ReThink have a few core brand values that mean a whole lot to us. We are devoted to all sentient beings and we believe that you deserve to create more memories with your loved ones. Without a healthy planet, this is not possible, so let’s do what we can to help. We desire to act in alignment with them which is why we are here to help. Here are 5 ways in which you can support mama earth and its inhabitants.

1. Change your diet to a plant based one!

Did you know that the animal agriculture industry produces more environmentally depleting emissions than all transportation sectors combined? A study done at Oxford University in the UK concluded that the single best way an individual can reduce their environmental footprint is to transition to a plant-based diet. If everyone went plant based, anthropogenic emissions would decrease by around 70%! And that’s just by everyone making a diet switch. Not only is this best for the environment, but it also saves billions of animals and natural resources. Most people think that plastic is the biggest issue for our oceans, but it’s actually the consumption of fish and other sea animals. More than half of the pollution in the ocean consists of fishing gear and related objects required to fish. Go ahead and give Seaspiracy a watch on Netflix. A plant-based diet has also been found to be the most health promoting diet. An individual eating a plant-based diet saves 33 animals, 33,000 gallons of water, 900 square feet of forest, 600 pounds of CO2 gas, and 1,200 pounds of grain in just one month.

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2. Use a refillable water bottle

Single use plastic is detrimental to the environment. It can take up to 500 years for a single piece of plastic to decompose! If you think about it, purchasing one reusable bottle not only protects the planet, but your pockets too. Using one bottle saves about 150 single use bottles from being produced per year!

3. Shop responsibly

Did you know that 1.5 trillion liters of water are used annually in the fast fashion industry? Fast fashion makes a significant negative impact on the environment. The materials of clothing may lead to microplastics being washed out and taken into the ocean leading to further pollution. The energy use of production for the fast fashion industry is also depleting resources, so do your best to shop locally or select brands that focus on ethical/sustainable supply chains.

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4. Reduce waste as much as you can

Little actions such as refraining from using plastic bags for produce can make all the difference! Make sure to bring reusable bags to the grocery store to prevent excessive single use plastic production and waste. Try to buy rice, pasta, legumes, nuts and grains in bulk at local markets that have dispensers where you can easily refill your own home containers. Little improvements like these can lighten the burden for the Earth!

5. Conserve water

Of course, it is always advised to reduce the length of showers and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. However, there are many foods that we wouldn’t expect to take so much water to produce and by simply reducing our intake of them, we could make significant positive impact. Here’s a list of foods that take the most water to produce:

• 6 ounces of beef=674 gallons of water
• 1 hamburger=660 gallons
• 3 ounces of pork=135 gallons
• 1 egg=52 gallons
• 17 ounces of soda=46 gallons
• 1 cup of coffee=34 gallons

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Here is a really cool quiz that tells you how many planet Earths it takes to support your lifestyle:

We are all on a journey and while lifestyle changes are sometimes difficult, they are worth it if it means we can call Earth home for a while longer. Not only for us, but for our kids, the kids of our kids, and so on. It all starts with self-awareness and education. Now that you have some more knowledge on how to reduce your environmental footprint, you are empowered and hold the power of choice. What actions will you take to support beautiful mother Earth?

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