ECS Diet Immune Function

With most of us having more time than usual on our hands, a lot of us are trying to find new ways to feel healthy, strong, and supported. Maybe some of you are trying to eat healthier or are trying out new supplements in hopes of supporting your immune system. Maybe some of you are not trying to change much about your routine to remain calm and keep your consistent pre-COVID-19 routine. Today, we will discuss different things that you could modify in your routine, if wanted, to support your immune system, mental health, and overall wellbeing.

CBD is a well-known anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the root cause of all illness and imbalance in the body which is why using a CBD product could be a great first step in helping support your body. CBD works with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). You can think of a it like a highway of interconnected roads that lead to different locations (organs) and carry messengers (endocannabinoids) to those locations to help maintain organ function. The ECS is in charge of maintaining an adequate level of endocannabinoids in the body and when we take CBD, we help support the ECS. CBD helps signal to the ECS to produce more of its own endocannabinoids in case of deficiencies. Many scientific papers have established that ECS deficiencies may actually lead to common ailments such as autoimmune diseases, arthritis, chronic fatigue, etc. All of these issues are caused by inflammation and imbalance in the body which could impede ECS function.

Now we know that CBD is the cherry on top of health maintenance. However, how can we build up strength from the inside-out? This must start with supporting ECS and immune system health. The immune system works by fighting any foreign objects, bodies, and invaders in the body. Did you know that some of those foreign bodies are perceived just in the food we eat? Luckily, most of us have the ability to choose what we consume. Just as much as health comes from the inside-out, we need to fuel our bodies correctly to help support it. When we eat certain foods that have endotoxins or cause inflammatory responses in the body, the immune system is signaled to produced inflammatory cytokines (you can think of them as military in the body). They think that certain foods are dangerous, so they try to battle with them, which is clearly not a necessary physical toll we have to put on our bodies. If we eat these foods multiple times a day on a daily basis, we are constantly subjecting the body to inflammation, heat, and lack of balance.

So, what are these inflammatory foods? Foods that cause inflammation and excessive mucosal secretions in the body include dairy, eggs, meat products (including poultry), refined oils, processed sugars, and processed foods. This is why we recommend a whole food predominantly plant based diet nutrient rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols, and supporting components for the body. What you should eat includes: grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts. This is a large selection and variety of food (lentils, rice, potatoes, avocados, chia seeds, cashews, beans, plant milks/yogurts, the list goes on). We can choose how to fuel, so choose the rainbow.

The ECS is actually able to be supported and improved through changes in diet. The ECS thrives when we choose to eat fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled veggies, and probiotic plant yogurts. It also loves leafy greens, veggies, seeds, healthy fats (nuts, avocados, plant oils like EVOO, hemp, flaxseed, and avocado oil). When we choose these types of foods, we allow the body to rejuvenate and recover instead of adding constant inflammation and sort of fight responses that agitate the body.

The ECS and immune system work together. CBD and endocannabinoids affect the immune system the most because this bodily system is made up of way more ECS receptors than other systems of the body. This means that as the roads carry messengers, they’re most inclined to visit the immune system locations more than others. By eating healthy, we may improve ECS function, thus improve immune function, and ultimately, lower inflammation throughout the body. These are just a few things you may start incorporating in your routine to help your body and mind feel best, especially during these times.

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