Epilepsy and Broad Spectrum CBD

Epilepsy is a type of neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system (the brain) causing abnormal brain activity which results in seizures, altered behavior, loss of awareness and sensations. Seizures occur because the brain has bursts of electrical activity. Anyone can get epilepsy and it usually lasts a lifetime, although in some cases in can improve over time. Symptoms of epilepsy include involuntary shaking, sudden loss of awareness, stiffness, unusual bodily sensations (changes in taste, smell), and collapsing. However, it can be managed through various means. Most treatments include medicines known as anti-epileptic drugs, but in some cases, surgery can treat a part of the brain that is causing the epileptic episodes, and a device can be placed within the body as well. While the bursts of electrical activity cause the seizures in the first place, the cause of that abnormal activity is still unclear.

Some research says that it is genetic since 1 in 3 people with epilepsy will have another affected family member. Epilepsy can also be caused by environmental factors: stroke, brain tumor, head injury, drug/alcohol abuse, brain infection, and lack of oxygen during birth.

The most popular form of treatment for epilepsy is anti-seizure medication. The problem with this medication is that it has common side effects that are quite significant. Some of these include nausea, vomiting, tremor, rashes, hair loss, swollen gums, dizziness, weight changes, depression, irritability, and decreased cognitive sharpness. Over time, these drugs can cause bone thinning, swelling of the ankles, and irregular menstrual periods. Because this medication must be taken consistently and frequently, it means that long term side effects are likely to occur.

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About a third of epilepsy cases are resistant to treatment which means that they are at higher risk of being severely ill or dying. A medical trial published in The Lancet found that cannabidiol might reduce the frequency of seizures in treatment resistant types. The median reduction was 36.5%. It also demonstrated that CBD might have an appropriate safety profile specifically for children and adolescents.

Luckily, new research on CBD as a treatment method for epilepsy is promising. One of the best things about CBD is that it has little to no side effects and if there are side effects, they are not severe. Some side effects include dry mouth and changes in digestion. Decreasing the strength or consumption of CBD can decrease any side effects if they even occur. A 2018 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, conducted research on humans to measure the effects of CBD on Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, early onset epilepsy. 225 patients aged 2 to 55 were randomly assigned to a group in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Patients experienced anywhere from two to more seizures per week. Each group was given a different daily dose of CBD: 0mg, 10mg, or 20mg per kilogram of weight. Results demonstrated that there was a median reduction of 41.9% in seizures within the group that was administered 20mg of CBD per kilo.

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Overall, CBD might be a promising potential addition to an anti-seizure treatment. CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) which has been shown to manage seizure generation and maintenance. It has been shown to interact with CB1 receptors. Animal models have also demonstrated that CBD has anti-seizure effects. Some studies have even shown cases in which children were completely seizure free or had reductions of up to 80%. One of the greatest things about CBD is its antioxidant and neuroprotective properties. Decreasing brain inflammation is one way that seizures could potentially be improved. The ECS plays a major role in modulating the immune system. When CBD is consumed, it causes the ECS to become more sensitive, thus increasing optimal functioning. CBD helps decrease the release of pro inflammatory cytokines (immune cells) like interleukin 1, 6, & tumor necrosis factor alpha. It has also been shown to have anti-convulsant effects which is very helpful in the case of seizures.

While research is promising, there is still a long way to go. Always speak to a medical profession, preferably your own doctor, before starting to consume CBD. This is especially important if you or a loved one suffers from epilepsy or other types seizures and are taking anti-seizure medications. If you have the green light to start a CBD regimen, ReThink is the place to start. We have a wide array of products for you to choose from. While you can select gummies, or capsules, we highly recommend the highest strengths of CBD oil tinctures for people with chronic conditions, including epilepsy or frequent seizures. Start with the 10003000mg range of tinctures. If you have any questions at all, we are always here to support you!

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