What Is the Difference Between Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil

Have you started taking an interest in the nation’s current CBD and hemp craze? Perhaps you are looking to enhance your physical and mental health by potentially trying a few of these supplements for yourself? Well, as you probably already know, many people throughout the United States are in the exact same boat. But, where exactly should a novice get started in their CBD journey?

If you have already taken the time to research different cannabidiol (which is the proper scientific name for CBD) products, you might have noticed how confusing some of the merchandise and its labeling can be.

First of all, supplements from different suppliers and manufacturers come with varying amounts of CBD milligrams. To make matters more confusing, some products are made free of THC (the compound found in marijuana that is responsible for providing its famous high), while others purposefully include trace amounts of it to imbue users with additional (possible) health benefits. And there are so many different products that cannabidiol is incorporated in that it can be difficult to ascertain which of these forms would be best for you and your lifestyle.

On top of these factors, the CBD industry, as a whole, has nearly no regulatory standards. This means that many products being peddled throughout the market will not actually contain as much CBD or other cannabinoids as is noted on their labels!

It makes a lot of sense why there is so much confusion regarding our industry, in general. We at CBD ReThink, are here to help inform you so that you can make the best possible decisions on which hemp-based products to choose; which are the best for you.

One of the most commonly asked questions is, “What is the difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil?” Since most types of CBD oil available on the market are derived from hemp plants, many people believe that these two extracts are the same thing. However, there is a major difference between them, from the way they are produced to what they are used for. Let’s take a deeper dive into the often confusing differences of hemp seed oil vs CBD oil.

What is the difference between CBD oil and hemp seed oil?

The best way to dissect the difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil is to describe them both individually. Let’s start with the former.

What is hemp seed oil?

This type of oil is derived from hemp seeds through a process known as cold pressing.  Roughly 30 percent of the average hemp seed is actually a healthy edible oil that is extremely rich in many essential fatty acids. Most of the edible oils that we are familiar with are created by exposure to intense heat in a process known as hot pressing. However, as the name might suggest, cold pressing methods extract substances while avoiding the use of higher temperatures.

Using cold pressing methods produces an oil end product that is richer in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals because the seeds that it is initially pressed from are not damaged or denatured from enduring a period of exceptional heat.

Hemp seed oil is usually left in an unrefined state to keep as many of these beneficial compounds as possible. This is one of the main reasons why it has a greenish hue. It should be noted that hemp seed oil is also completely THC-free, even if it is made from cannabis seeds rather than hemp ones. This is because the seeds of either plant don’t contain any THC in the first place. That means you and your family can enjoy this nutritious supplement at any time, without having to worry about getting high at all!

The seeds and the oils that are cold pressed from them don’t contain any CBD or other cannabinoids either. Instead, hemp seed oil health benefits are primarily derived from their incredible antioxidant properties and rich nutritional content.

What are common uses for hemp seed oil?

Hemp seed oil is mainly used as a nutritional supplement. It is one of the few food sources that are rich in both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. As a matter of fact, no other edible oil can come close to the same levels of these polyunsaturated fatty acids; hemp oil can contain concentrations of over 80 percent of these valuable nutrients.

It is also teeming with the ultra-powerful Vitamin E. Studies indicate that a remarkable 100 to 150 milligrams of this incredibly effective antioxidant is found in every 100 grams of hemp oil. This property provides potent anti-inflammation properties that have made hemp oil very popular with the cosmetic industry for use in a variety of applications such as skin care lotions, and hair care conditioners.

What Are Common Uses For Hemp Seed Oil

What is CBD oil?

There is quite a large difference between CBD oil and hemp seed oil. CBD oil is a health supplement made from the hemp plant that has had a meteoric rise in popularity for its pronounced ability to combat a variety of physical and mental ailments. Most of the new research that is coming out regarding the benefits of CBD has to do with this product.

Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is sold and ingested in a variety of forms. These include vape pens, edible oils, topical lotions, sublingual drops, a variety of edibles and beverages, tinctures, gelatin capsules, and more!

Just like hemp seed oil, CBD oil can also be made from either cannabis or hemp plants. However, cannabidiol oil that is extracted from marijuana is not legal on the federal level. As a matter of fact, this product is only legal if it is made and consumed within a state that has laws that allow for recreational or medical marijuana use.

In comparison, if CBD oil is derived from hemp plants, it is completely legal in all 50 states due to the passing of the Farm Bill Act in 2018.

What are common uses for CBD oil?

CBD oil is most commonly used to provide therapeutic benefits against a number of different bodily ailments. Some of the possible physical and mental positives that have been noted may include abilities to effectively:

  • Combat chronic pain
  • Alleviate inflammation of the tissues
  • Increase appetite
  • Reduce nausea
  • Rebuild pathways in the brain damaged by neurodegenerative diseases
  • Increase the ability to relax
  • Reduce the occurrence of acne
  • Realign hormonal imbalances

The next time someone asks you, “Is hemp seed oil the same as CBD?”– you should be able to easily clear their confusion quite quickly. Or you could just point them to this article!

Now that you know the difference between CBD oil vs hemp seed oil, are you feeling a rapidly growing urge to buy your own hemp-extracted goodies? If so, come by and check out CBD ReThink!

We are an online marketplace of the best quality hemp-extracted CBD supplements that money can buy. We also manufacture all of our own products in-house, unlike many of our competitors who just rebrand someone else’s product with their own label. If you want top-shelf CBD merchandise delivered to your front door, don’t hesitate to make an order today, at cbdrethink.com!

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