How Long Does It Take for CBD Oil to Work?

CBD has become the central component of one of the hottest health crazes to hit the United States in the past few years. This amazing compound (which is also known as cannabidiol) has been shown to offer a plethora of profound health benefits. Since supplements that contain CBD are relatively new to the market, there isn’t much information available to clarify the proper dosage and how long it is effective within the body. So, the question is: how long does it take for CBD to take effect?

How long does it take for CBD oil to work?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not exactly straightforward. The amount of CBD that will work most effectively for you depends on quite a few factors. Some of the main factors that affect how your body processes CBD are:

The type of CBD supplements used

Believe it or not, the type of cannabidiol product that is ingested has a pronounced effect on the time it takes to become active and useful within the body. But, what is the best way to take the CBD oil? It really depends, but here are some useful tips on each of them that should help you make the best choice.

  • Vaporizable oils

This method of CBD ingestion is normally considered as the quickest acting one. Through inhalation, cannabidiol rapidly enters the bloodstream and becomes active once it passes through the lungs. Most people report feeling the effects of vaporized CBD within about five to 10 minutes. On the downside, it should be noted that vaping can also cause serious side effects when compared to other forms of CBD supplements: Irritated lungs! While CBD itself doesn’t cause harm when inhaled, some brands of CBD us other chemical compounds used to make the oils vaporizable and these can become toxic when heated. ReThink uses natural agents with vape oils to avoid this, but each individual needs to be responsible for managing their own health. If an allergic reaction occurs to vaping, that person should discontinue that method.

  • Sublingual tincture

Based on the numbers, sublingual tinctures are the most popular CBD products in the market. This popularity seems to be primarily due to their potency and the ease of use.

Sublingual tinctures are ingested by being dropped under the tongue. The tiny blood vessels in that area and along the cheeks quickly absorb the CBD directly into the bloodstream. Sublingual products are quite fast-acting because they are one of the few orally ingestible supplement types that bypass the liver and the rest of the digestive system. Sublingual oils usually take about 15 to 30 minutes to fully go into effect.

  • Topical creams

Topical creams are the only CBD products that can be directly applied to a troublesome area; the other supplements provide benefits to the entire body rather than in just one specific region. Topical CBD supplements go to work on the body by diffusing through lipids found in the skin and then entering the cells in the applied area. This method of CBD application usually takes about 25 to 45 minutes to take full effect.

  • Edibles and beverages

Edibles and beverages are some of the most popular CBD items on the market because they come in a variety of different flavors and forms (such as gummy worms, brownies, sodas, lemonades, gel capsules, and more). Nevertheless, they take quite a while to be absorbed into the bloodstream because these supplements must go through the digestive system and liver before they become fully active. Be prepared to wait for over 45 minutes before you start to feel the effects of CBD edibles or beverages.

The quality of CBD oil ingested

Believe it or not, the quality of the CBD extracts found in the supplements used have radical implications on the speed they will take to affect the body. When CBD products are of low quality, they are often poorly processed and not decarboxylated. When CBD and other cannabinoids are in their natural state, they are not easily absorbed into the body. This can cause them to have a vastly delayed effect, and in some cases, no effect at all! However, decarboxylated cannabinoids have been heated up in order to transform them into a more potent, usable form.

Since CBD extracts are oily by nature, they don’t easily absorb into our water-based human bodies. There are quite a few new technologies that help make CBD oils more bio-accessible, such as nanoemulsions, liposomes, and microemulsions. It is always a good idea to check any potential CBD supplement’s label for those keywords. Also try to make sure to take cannabidiol products that are organic, lab-tested, and contain at least 10 milligrams of CBD per serving.

The user’s body composition

Every person has a unique body type and genetic profile. These factors cause them to deal with ingested substances quite differently. The most important body characteristics that affect the speed of cannabidiol absorption include:

  • Body weight

Just like every supplement or medicine, a person’s body weight is one of the primary factors to affect the CBD absorption rate. To keep it simple, the larger a person is, the bigger the effective dose they will need. If you happen to be on the heavier side and your CBD products are not packing a punch, you may want to increase your dosage.

  • Metabolism

By definition, a person’s metabolism dictates how quickly they break down and absorb ingested compounds. This includes CBD! Your metabolism is based on your genetic makeup and body composition. While there is not much you can do to change your genetics, you can change your body composition by increasing your muscle to body fat ratio to speed up your metabolism.

  • The ability to feel CBD effects

The possible CBD effects are subtle. Many novice users claim that they don’t feel any of their cannabidiol supplements; they are simply not used to them. Frankly, most of the time people don’t actually feel a singular effect. Instead, they actually seem to report the disappearance of a negative feeling they were ailing from before.


How much CBD to take?

The best way to find the right CBD dosage for you is to start small and increase it over time. Try a cannabidiol product and give it some time to set in. Once the timeframe that a particular supplement should have kicked in by has passed, go ahead and give yourself another dose. Keep a close eye on yourself and how you feel. Repeat these steps until you start to feel some of the desired effects. At this point, you will have found out the proper dose for you!

So, how long does CBD take to work for you? You are going to have to do a little bit of experimenting in order to find out. And to properly do so, you’ll need to find the best quality cannabidiol supplements that are available on the market.

CBD ReThink is one of the top manufacturers of CBD products! We have carefully built an outstanding reputation that resounds throughout the industry due to the manner that we treat our clients, our unmatched standard of service, and the quality of the CBD items that we produce. Visit today and make your first order!

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