How To Work or Study Productively

We are all going through it. For the last 7-8 months, all of our lives have drastically changed. But that’s okay because we can adapt to any situation and resilient individuals can do anything! One of the biggest changes we have all experienced is with our work and school environment. We were waking up every day and going to work or school. Now, some of us just have to roll out of bed and turn on our computers. Virtual learning and work can be even more exhausting than the real thing, but we are here to help. This isn’t just for those of you who have to work virtually, but also for those of you who struggle while you are working or studying. Because let’s face it, it’s been tough.

Take Mini Breaks Throughout The Day 

Numerous scientific studies have shown that people who take little breaks throughout the day (i.e., short naps, little bursts of physical activity, meditation, reading) perform the best at whatever they’re doing. Taking breaks may seem like you are wasting time or not being productive with your time, but in reality, humans can only truly focus for 3 hours at a time and really only 20 minutes without taking a break. This is something personal and unique to everyone, so don’t just jump right in. see how long you can go before breaking your focus and then play around with break times. You could try working for 25 minutes and breaking for 5 or working until you lose focus and then break for 10 minutes. It is solely up to you, but just make sure to take breaks. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Better decision making
  • Sparks creativity
  • More focus
  • Improved information retention
  • Allows you to refocus your goals
  • Prevents mental & physical fatigue
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Get Enough Sleep 

We all hear of how important sleep is, but sometimes it’s difficult to internalize this and really understand it. Sleep is the body and mind’s time to rejuvenate and replenish. We go through various phases of sleep and REM sleep is the most important because this is where we process all information we collected during the day and where our bodies repair themselves. Scientifically, the human body needs at least 4 hours of sleep to just function. But for optimal performance and health, we benefit from regular sleep schedules. This means waking up and going to sleep at similar times every day. Getting enough sleep truly helps you gain focus and sharpness while helping you get more energy and a better mood. Getting anywhere from 6-8 hours of sleep is best.

Eat Regularly & Drink Water Consistently

I know we have all been there: in the zone, tunnel vision, unparalleled motivation. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re in the zone. I recommend setting little alarms every 3-4 hours, so you can take a moment to check in with yourself and see if your body needs anything: water, food, meditation, etc. Have a large water bottle next to your computer/laptop, so you remember to consistently drink water and stay hydrated. Your body cannot perform without food and water. Sugar is the literal fuel that your brain runs on, and water makes everything function. Eat foods that energize you, so you’re not weighed down and your body isn’t burdened with processing difficult foods. These are just one of the many ways we can help our bodies help us.

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Keep Your Phone Out of Sight

You know that saying out of sight, out of mind? It’s true. A scientific article in the University of Chicago Journal Press found that even the mere presence of our phone can produce brain drain and decreases our cognitive capacity. We are addicted to scrolling because it is easy and serves as a seemingly good way to take our minds off of things. Resist the temptation, lock it away, and give your mind a genuine break instead of going from one screen to another.


Writing notes on any main points or information you are studying can help memory and information retention anywhere from 70% more than if you did not write. The key is to repetitively go over it and not just type it, but physically hand write it.

Background Music 

While some people like working in complete silence, focus can actually increase when listening to lo-fi beats or light classical music. This can help enhance focus, performance, and mood.

Take CBD

You don’t need energy drinks and 5 cups of coffee to feel energized. Instead, try taking something healthier and natural. Caffeine in coffee and energy drinks can lead to adrenal fatigue which means when you truly need energy, your body cannot give it to you since it is maxed out with the large amounts of caffeine consumed regularly. CBD has been proven to increase focus and mental clarity. It also decreases anxiety which can also help induce a calm and collected feeling.

Here at ReThink, we have CBD products specifically targeted towards focus and energy. Try out our CBD energy & focus shots and breath sprays. If you want something stronger, try our CBD oil tinctures. Our CBD energy products don’t leave you with an afternoon crash. Instead, they sustain you the whole day. When you drink coffee, if you must, consume it after taking some CBD. This can actually prevent the jitters and negative side effects normally seen when consuming coffee. You can also opt for drinking friendlier caffeine like matcha. Like CBD, matcha gives long, slow, and sustained energy without a dip. It is also rich in flavonoids and antioxidants like CBD.

We hope these tips and tricks help you focus and work, or study productively!

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