Next Level Wellness: ReThink’s Apple Cider Vinegar & CBD Gummies

CBD edibles, or gummies are very popular amongst the hemp community as they’re a sweet and easy way to take CBD. Their sweetness helps mask the earthy flavor of cannabidiol while helping deliver the same key benefits. They’re also pre dosed for added convenience and since they’re in gummy form, you can easily take them alongside other vitamins and supplements.

We’d like to introduce our newest addition to the family, our apple cider vinegar and CBD infused gummies. While we already have wellness, stress, and sleep gummies, we wanted to make a gummy that could help tackle a different type of issue while still delivering a nice dose of broad-spectrum CBD. We chose apple cider vinegar (ACV) over other ingredients for several reasons. ACV is helpful in many ways as it helps support a healthy gut while also helping target cholesterol, digestion, and blood sugar.

Let’s dive in and learn how CBD and ACV work together in this new formula to potentially deliver a wide array of benefits.

Making Hemp Derived CBD Gummies

Cbd Rethink Apple Cider Gummies
Cbd Rethink Gummies

We know that CBD comes from the cannabis sativa hemp plant, and it is one of the many different cannabinoids found within hemp. Because it is derived from the hemp plant and not that of marijuana, it is legal for its low to nonexistent THC content. While CBD and THC is found within hemp, concentrations differ depending on the plant and extraction process used.

As per the farm bill, CBD is legal if it contains less than 0.3% THC. We know that THC is the plant compound that induces a high. Rest assured that all our products are only made with broad spectrum CBD which is completely THC free.

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In order to create CBD gummies, the hemp plant must go through an extraction process which then produces an extract rich in various cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other components. The extraction process is what differentiates the 3 types of CBD. Here at ReThink, we always choose a CO2 extraction process and only use broad spectrum CBD.

This ensures that our products contain some of the other potentially beneficial hemp compounds without the THC. Isolate CBD strips the extract down only leaving pure CBD and nothing else. Full spectrum CBD gummies contain the entire hemp extract, even THC, but of course it must be under the .3% THC limit to be legal.

Once the CBD is extracted, it must be mixed with a carrier oil (olive, coconut, hemp seed, etc.) to make CBD oil. To make the gummies, the cannabidiol is mixed with other natural ingredients like fruit and veggie derived food coloring, extra vitamins and minerals, sugar, and pectin (a vegan alternative to gelatin) to create a gelatinous gummy consistency.

For these ACV gummies, we added additional vitamins and minerals to support optimal energy and potassium levels. Aside from ACV and CBD, these new gummies contain potassium, calcium, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

Like other types of CBD products, gummies may also deliver the expected effects of CBD. For example, they’re often used by those who seek to support stress, pain, anxiety, and inflammation levels. While more research must be conducted on the effects of CBD, many studies do support the theory that CBD contains anxiety reducing, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties.

No matter the type of product, there may always be a chance of experiencing unwanted effects. Most people don’t tend to experience side effects, but if you do, it may be because you’re taking too much. Common side effects include dry mouth, drowsiness, changes in digestion, and fluctuations in appetite. Dosing CBD does involve some trial and error, so be patient with yourself and the process.

When it comes to CBD gummies, it’s best to take 1-2 per day, but start with one a day and see how you feel. If you don’t feel any effects for a couple weeks, take 2 gummies per day instead and see how that works for you.

The Benefits & Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV has become a popular ingredient in many wellness promoting products and for good reason. It’s a natural ingredient that houses powerful properties.

As it is an acidic and fermented food, it is beneficial for the gut and overall digestive system. Be sure not to confuse ACV with other apple related foods like apple juice, or sauce. It is just a type of vinegar made by fermenting and pressing apples.

Cbd Apple Cider Gummies

There’s a very popular myth about ACV and that is that it burns fat. This is untrue and even though it’s common to find information that supports the ACV associated weight loss myth, there aren’t enough studies to prove this. In fact, it was found that those who drink ACV in their water daily to lose weight weaken their tooth enamel significantly.

On the other hand, there are several small studies that indicate ACV may be capable of positively impacting cholesterol levels. One study in particular indicated that consistent consumption of ACV resulted in a decrease in unhealthy cholesterol, and it could possibly cause an increase in healthy cholesterol. They suggested it is a cheap and easy way to help support healthy cholesterol levels.

Another academic paper showed that ACV could help support diabetics as it could decrease HbA1c levels. HbA1c measures average blood sugar levels in the past 3 months. This is a something that is routinely measured in checkups and is a key indicator for blood sugar health. Since diabetic patients should aim to reduce their HbA1c, adding ACV to their diet may be an additional form of support.

While ACV in supplements and other products are an excellent way of getting some in your system, we recommend using it regularly in different dishes and beverages. An easy way to sneak in some ACV is to add it to your salad dressings, juices, and soups. Be sure not to drink it too often as it can affect the tooth enamel’s strength. Always remember that moderation is best with everything.

Our newest gummies are vegan, and free of THC, gluten, and corn syrup. They are also naturally flavored and colored using fruit, sugar, and beets, so you don’t have to worry about the negative effects of artificial flavoring and coloring.

The Next Steps for Wellness

Cbd Apple Gummies Cider

While CBD and ACV make an incredible health duo, we always recommend taking a holistic approach when it comes to improving your health. This just means that instead of focusing on one habit, supplement, or change, you create a combination of changes and try various things to see what works best for you.

As different approaches come together, they may help support each other. For example, CBD helps support our internal endocannabinoid system (ECS), and when we exercise on top of regularly taking CBD, we help de-stress our minds and bodies. The ECS works optimally when the nervous system is relaxed, and we aren’t under heavy amounts of stress.

Always try to eat the rainbow as much as possible, enrich your diet with healthy add-ons that don’t require you to consume large amounts to experience the benefits. For example, a tablespoon of ACV in your salad dressing may help give you extra support for healthy blood sugar levels. Just a tablespoon of chia seeds can provide your body with an incredible amount of fiber and healthy fats. Some other ‘super’ foods include nutritional yeast, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, and more.

Move your body as much as possible and refrain from being sedentary for too long, even if it’s going for a walk with your dogs or creating a standing desk if you work from home. Don’t forget to take your CBD. The key is to be patient and consistent.

Prioritize your sleep above all by creating consistency in your routine. Go to bed and wake up at similar times every single day. Make sure to practice all these changes. Be realistic and understanding that it’ll take practice.

Don’t aim for perfection. Aim for intention and aligned action as best as you can. All these little changes can make such a big difference. Maybe though, let these new ACV & CBD gummies be your next step towards a healthier and happier you!

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