The Natural Anti-Inflammatory: CBD

Inflammation has become a buzzword in the wellness industry and community. It seems that inflammation is something we all deal with at some point in our lives and major conditions, especially chronic ones like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and heart disease, all present themselves through inflammation.

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When our bodies are in a state of balance, they are naturally pain free, relaxed, and restorative. However, what exactly happens when our bodies experience pain?
Pain and inflammation go hand in hand as inflammation causes pain. You could say the inflammation is the root cause of the majority of ailments and illnesses. In the United States, more than 40% of the population have a chronic disease.

We don’t want to eradicate inflammation as that is impossible and it is a natural immune response meant to help our bodies fight infections, viruses, and more. When small microbes or mucus droplets enter our system, our bodies cannot recognize what they are or where they come from, so they naturally trigger immune cells to create inflammation.

Inflammation leads to more blood flow in an area allowing immune cells to enter and try to heal the wound or get rid of foreign invaders. It also creates a hostile environment where certain germs would not want to live in.

While occasional swelling is normal, people with chronic illnesses often experience chronic swelling that puts the body in a state of stress. This swelling leads to extra sensitivity to pain and chronic feelings of pain as well.

So, how can we reduce inflammation, increase pain relief, and bring the body back to balance?

While there are many factors that affect our bodies’ inflammation response and level (i.e., genetics, diet, exercise, allergies, etc.), there are certain FDA approved medications and other natural alternatives that may help.

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Chronic pain and inflammation often related to an autoimmune disease are usually treated with corticosteroids (a prescription drug), or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but these can negatively affect hormones, mood, weight, liver function, and may even cause stomach ulcers.

There are natural alternatives that may relieve pain, have little side effects, and may help manage certain health conditions.

The cannabis plant has been highly regarded for its natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cannabidiol, CBD, a molecule found within this plant, has been highlighted for its potential ability to reduce inflammation and thus reduce pain.

CBD, THC, CBN, and other molecules of the hemp plant are known as cannabinoids. While our bodies produce their own, we sometimes don’t produce enough which can lead to issues within. CBD helps mimic a response that comes from our own internal system to help compensate.

Unlike other systems in our bodies, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) was not discovered until 1992. This is why CBD and its effects have only started being researched recently.

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While the effects of CBD are still being studied, the majority of research demonstrates that CBD oil can be effective at targeting pain and inflammation. This is attributed to the fact that we all have an internal system responsible for producing biological endocannabinoids and managing organ function, pain regulation, appetite, mood, and more.

Above all, though, CBD’s main target is that of immune and pain response which explains its ability to de-swell the body!

If you’re looking for CBD products to help you de-stress, relieve pain, and de-swell, you’ve come to the right place.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Avatar Of Rev. Debra Normandy
    Rev. Debra Normandy
    February 18, 2022 1:06 pm

    Thank You for sharing this information! I am currently using your products and they are helping me in many areas, just as the ones stated above. Arthritis, Pain, Inflammation. Since I started using your products, I never felt better! I take the CBD oil daily and I feel a big difference in even my mood. I highly recommend people to try your CDB products. I actually recommended a few people. They’re just as happy as I am!

    • Good afternoon Rev. Debra,

      Thank you so much for sharing your comment with us! We’re very glad to hear that our products are helping you and others with various conditions. It means we’re reaching our main objective which is to help people! Have you tried our ReThink CBD Roll-Ons? They are effective for local relief from acute inflammation while the CBD Sub-lingual Oil works internally to reduce inflammation through our circulatory system.

      We hope that our CBD products can continue to help improve you and your friend’s quality of life in the years to come


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