The Routine You Need Before Your 9 To 5

The Routine You Need Before Your 9 To 5

During the beginning of the pandemic, we turned to remote working and it was a shock for many of us. Now almost 4 years later, it’s become the new norm. People looking for work are now looking for jobs where they can work from home. Yes, it’s very convenient to have this work environment. We love the comfortability. We’re able to wake up 10 minutes before our alarm, press a button on our laptop and get straight into the work day. We’re tempted to even stay in our pajamas. Now although it’s very easy, it’s also not the best use of our time. It’s unproductive and just makes for an erratic day. Instead of waking up only minutes from your alarm, waking up a few hours earlier and doing a few steps here and there before the work day, will help you lead a more successful day.

Early Bird Gets The Worm

It sounds dreadful. Having to wake up earlier than we actually need to? But there are many benefits to getting up early. In a survey done by biologist Christoph Randler, 367 university students were asked what time of day they have the most energy. They were also asked how willing they are to change a situation to their advantage. The higher percentage of morning people agreed with proactive statements like, “I spend time identifying long-range goals for myself” and “I feel in charge of making things happen.” As soon as we wake up, our mind is flooded with thoughts. We’re thinking of what needs to get done for the day or tasks for the future. Waking up early is just a great way to get all your thoughts in order.

Routine Before 9 To 5 With Cbd 1

Simple Is Better

A simple routine in the morning is the way to consistently get up early. Some people may like running 5 miles before their work day, but something as simple as taking the time to make a full breakfast could work for someone else. Every person is different and you can build the routine around your needs. It’s just good to get the mind and body moving in the morning. Waking up early can improve things like your mental health and even sleep quality. Many people have trouble falling asleep at night. With the consistency of waking up early, our bodies then get sleepy earlier. Therefore, creating some routine. 

The Routine You Need Before Your 9 To 5

One Step at a Time

All it takes is baby steps. First of all, you won’t be able to wake up early just from one day to the next. You don’t want to shock your body. Little by little, just wake up a few minutes to one hour earlier than you normally would. Then eventually your body will adjust and you can figure out what time works for you. It’s also important to note that the recommended hours of sleep per night is about 7 to 9.

Now that you’re awake, what can you do? Like mentioned before, just enough to keep your body moving. Here’s a little example of what can be done in the early hours of the morning. As soon as you wake up, make your bed. Stretch your body or even take time for a small workout. After that take a nice shower, this will definitely wake you up if the workout didn’t. Take some time on your skincare routine. Have a smoothie or take the time to cook a yummy breakfast. Write. Keep a journal just to put down any thoughts you may be having. This is also a great way to set goals for the day or even the future. Take your vitamins! And while you’re at it, take your CBD. You can really include CBD in any part of this routine. It can be as soon as you wake up or during your skincare routine with our day cream. While taking your vitamins, also take one of our CBD capsules. Even when eating your breakfast or drinking your smoothie just add a few drops of our tincture oil. 

The Routine You Need Before Your 9 To 5

Add CBD to the Pre 9 to 5 Day

Maybe you’re feeling anxious because of a one-on-one with a supervisor or you have a big pitch with a client. If you’re up early, you have time to relax and prepare and if you take your CBD it may help relieve some of that anxiety. Not only does waking up early and having a routine before the work day give you great benefit, but when you’re adding CBD, it adds even more to that. Now, before you turn on your computer for work, you’ll feel more at ease and ready to take on the day. 

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