What Are CBD Gummies and How Do They Work?

CBD, which is an acronym for its scientific name cannabidiol, has become one of the fastest growing health crazes in the United States. It is so popular that it has been incorporated into a variety of different products made for our consumption. Among the most popular of these supplements are CBD gummies. Have you ever tried a CBD gummy dosage before? Let’s take a deep look into some of the specifics regarding this tasty yet healthy cannabidiol treat.

What are CBD gummies?

CBD gummies are just one of the many types of cannabidiol edible supplements available on the market. However, they seem to consistently stay among the most popular CBD products in the world. This is primarily because gummies have several characteristics that many enthusiasts find advantageous over other forms of CBD ingestion.

First of all, they are very inconspicuous; they look no different from a normal supplement or gummy. This means you can enjoy them discreetly in public without having to worry about any judgment from others who still hold any outdated views on compounds found in hemp and marijuana.

They are also quite tasty. Many edible CBD supplements are earthy in flavor or at best, completely devoid of taste. Luckily, gummies offer us the ability to enjoy our cannabidiol health benefits while also filling our mouths with a variety of delicious flavors to allow for easier enjoyment.

Many people choose to take CBD gummies as they are an easy fit into their existing health and wellness routine. Similar to other gelcaps or vitamins, CBD gummies are a nice addition to the supplements we are already taking to improve our lives.

What Are Cbd Gummies

What do CBD gummies do?

Regular CBD use has been shown to provide a variety of different health benefits. It is a dietary supplement that is extremely effective at reducing inflammation in different parts of the body. This can help all of your body tissues to work at a more optimal rate.

Since CBD is a cannabinoid, it works by interacting with the user’s endocannabinoid system. This system serves as a regulatory “brain” for a variety of important processes and hormones in our bodies. In essence, CBD helps your body work in a more balanced, synergistic fashion. It is also well-known for helping people get more relaxed and less stressed. This is why many individuals who suffer from anxiety or even insomnia find some comfort with a few CBD gummy drops at night.

It is also important to keep in mind what CBD gummies do not do; they will NOT cause a high. It is another cannabinoid known as THC (an acronym for tetrahydrocannabinol) that is responsible for the psychoactive effects that cause a high (what cannabis was originally famous for).

As a matter of fact, CBD has been shown to have a canceling/moderating effect on THC.  There is no need to worry; all federally legal CBD supplements may only contain a trace amount of 0.3 percent of THC at most. It is almost impossible for this tiny hint of tetrahydrocannabinol to cause you to feel high.

Do CBD gummies work?

Because CBD is not a psychoactive compound, many people literally don’t feel as if their CBD gummies are working after they take a few doses. This because the effects of cannabidiol are highly nuanced and may take some getting used to before you start to distinguish them.

The work that cannabidiol does in the body starts on the cellular, level in a very gentle way. This is why most people don’t actually “feel” CBD gummies effects. Instead, most of the time, CBD users actually describe NOT feeling an uncomfortable sensation that they usually suffer from.

For example, many people use CBD regularly for its inflammation-fighting properties, to counteract pain. Unlike the effects of many prescription pain-killers, the pain doesn’t magically vanish when you take a CBD gummy. It usually takes a while as the CBD gets digested completely and activated in their system before they realize that they are starting to feel better. The effects of CBD are somewhat subtle, but they can be quite effective.

Some people also wonder if eating a CBD edible is the most efficient manner to ingest their cannabidiol. This is primarily because other options such as vapor pens or sublingual drops activate much more quickly in the bloodstream than edible options. The liver neutralizes and eliminates some of the CBD before it can be absorbed as well. Still, the widespread popularity of cannabidiol edibles proves that, regardless of these potential inefficiencies, they are still quite effective.

How many CBD gummies should I eat?

The answer to this question is actually completely dependent on your tolerance. Luckily, there are nearly no negative side effects to over-consuming CBD; at most you might feel extremely relaxed or ready for a nap. However, you don’t want to unnecessarily waste your precious CBD supplements!

The best way to avoid that is to take one CBD gummy at a time and allow each about 30 to 90 minutes to absorb into your body completely. At this point, you can determine if you are feeling any of your desired effects. If you are feeling better, you can go ahead and stop. If you feel like you can use some more CBD, go ahead and eat one additional gummy and wait another 30 to 90 minutes to see how you feel again.

Your dosage should be something that you are looking at from the perspective of how many milligrams you are taking daily. Overall everyone should start low and gradually increase until they achieve the results or relief they were seeking. As CBD is the core ingredient, gummies are one method of adding this great superfood-nutrient to your regular intake.

Now that you know how much CBD gummies to take, are you feeling ready to order some of the healthiest CBD gummies around? Then look no further than CBD ReThink!

At CBD ReThink, we have made it our company’s main mission to bring everyone in the United States easy access to one of the healthiest compounds around! If you are looking for cannabidiol gummy drops, oils, topical creams, gel capsules or even supplements for your dog, we got you! Come to our website cbdrethink.com and make your first order today!

3 Comments. Leave new

  • I am using your gummies 300 mg. Taking one a day for pain and fing I am more tired than usual. Is it better to take it at night?

    • Good afternoon Mary!
      CBD gummies are commonly used for help soothing anxiety and relieving stress. If you find yourself needing more energy after taking our gummies, we would recommend trying out our 1000mg CBD Gummies for Energy & Focus that also contains vitamin B-12 SKU: 73929. For these you would only need to take one of the gummies, which contains 25mg of our Broad spectrum CBD, for pain as compared to your current 10mg of CBD per gummy which we would recommend taking two for pain.

  • Avatar Of Higher Olive
    Higher Olive
    June 25, 2019 11:44 pm

    This is a wonderful, informative post! I have often been questioned about whether hemp products I use such as hemp seed oil and hemp milk are safe and how they relate to the marijuana plant. I never knew the answer to these questions except to say that they are a different part of the plant that doesn’t contain THC. Now I truly understand the difference! Thank you


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